Announcement of change to voting rights
Amplifon S.p.A. (EXM; Bloomberg ticker: AMP:IM), global leader in hearing solutions and services, announces that on December 6th, 2022 the Company’s voting rights have changed as better identified below. The change was made in accordance with art. 13 of the By-laws (pursuant to article 127-quinquies of Legislative Decree 58/1998, (“TUF”), which provides the option to assign two voting rights to each share held by the same party for an uninterrupted period of no less than twenty-four months starting from the date of registration on the list contemplated in the same article. The table below summarizes the current situation of voting rights:
- Amplifon S.p.A. share capital equals € 4,527,772.40 and consists of n. 226,388,620 shares with a nominal value of € 0.02 per share;
- On December 6th, 2022, the number of shares with accrued increased voting rights (two voting rights per share) is n. 96,228,033 shares out of a total of n. 226,388,620 shares, which implies a change in total voting rights from 322,624,196 to 322,616,653;
- Pursuant to subsection 8 of art 127-quinquies of the TUF, the increase of voting rights is calculated to determine the quora to convene the Shareholders’ Meeting as well as for it to pass resolutions.
It should also be noted that no further shares registered in the list of increased voting rights are to be matured.
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