Announcement regarding voting rights

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Last updated on April 16, 2024 at 06:00 pm

Pursuant to art. 85-bis paragraph 4-bis of the Issuer Regulation adopted by Consob with decision no. 11971 of 14 May 1999, as well as art. 2.6.2. part a) of the Regulation by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., Amplifon S.p.A. (EXM; Bloomberg/Reuters ticker: AMP:IM/AMPF.MI), global leader in hearing solutions and services, informs that as of today:

  • Amplifon S.p.A. share capital equals € 4,527,772.40 and consists of n. 226,388,620 shares with a nominal value of € 0.02 per share;
  • The number of shares with accrued increased voting rights (two voting rights per share) is n. 95,748,033 shares out of a total of n. 226,388,620 shares, which implies voting rights equal to 322,136,653;
  • Pursuant to subsection 8 of art 127-quinquies of the TUF, the increase of voting rights is calculated to determine the quora to convene the Shareholders’ Meeting as well as for it to pass resolutions.

It should also be noted that there are further n. 50 shares registered in the list of increased voting rights; said increase is currently being vested.

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