Listen Responsibly

What is Listen Responsibly?

Listen Responsibly is a global initiative by Amplifon to promote a new culture of responsible listening and healthy hearing, at all ages, and raise awareness of the negative consequences of noise pollution.


The little-known link between music that is too loud and the risk of damage or early hearing loss lies at the heart of the project.


Amplifon is committed to increasing awareness about the importance of hearing well-being and the impacts of noise pollution, by mapping at least 20,000 noise measurements through the noise tracker of the “Listen Responsibly” app by 2023. Moreover, Amplifon aims at involving with “Listen Responsibly” school project a total of at least 40,000 students and 1,600 schools by 2023.

Amplifon’s Sustainability Plan – Listening Ahead

Listen Responsibly at School: a new culture of sound

Since 2019, the Listen Responsibly edutainment project has involved more than 1,700 classes and 40,000 students of middle and high schools all over Italy and Spain, to turn them into ambassadors of a new acoustic ecology.

The project promotes a culture of responsible listening and healthy hearing through gamification activities, citizen journalism, and interactive workshops featuring musicians, sound designers, audiologists, and many others as guest speakers.

The program goes beyond traditional approaches, integrating social media and employee ambassadorship campaigns, to effectively reach a wider audience and raise awareness about the significance of hearing prevention across all age groups.

Listen Responsibly App

Thanks to the Listen Responsibly App, all members of society are involved as pioneers of a new discipline: acoustic ecology. By recording environmental noise levels, the app’s noise tracker creates an interactive map soundscape via gamification mechanisms.


After launching the noise tracker in Italy back in January 2020, the App also reached Spain in April 2021 during International Noise Awareness Day, and was introduced in France in January 2022 and Germany in April 2023.







Measure the noise around you

Make a 15-second recording to check the noise levels of your surroundings and whether there are the right conditions to have a pleasant conversation. If not, move to a quieter place to protect your hearing.



Share your measurements

You can save and share your measurements with the rest of the community. Give your contribution to create a crowd-sourced map of the acoustic ecology in your country.



Check the noise variations

Noise levels are not the same throughout the day.

Check at what time of the day a place is more affected by noise pollution and when, instead, noise levels decrease.



Become our Ambassador

Complete all the tasks assigned to you and share your results to rise to the top of the leaderboard and become an Ambassador of Responsible Listening!

Hearing Loss Today

The World Health Organization estimates reveal that 1.1 billion young people risk hearing loss as a result of unsafe listening practices. Nearly 50% face the risk of hearing loss due to listening at high volumes or for prolonged time periods over their personal audio systems, and nearly 40% are exposed to potentially damaging sound levels in recreational venues, like concerts and nightclubs.

So what can you do to protect your hearing?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), prolonged exposure to sounds above 85 dB can cause hearing loss.


Fortunately, it can be prevented by taking a few simple precautions.


Is it too loud? Five golden rules for listening at the right volume.

Live Music





Live Music

Live Music

Live Music

We all love live music, but did you know that live concerts can be louder than 110 dB? Wear earplugs or hearing protectors and enjoy your favourite band.




Feeling the vibrations of the speakers is great, but remember to take a 15-minute break from time to time in a quieter area. Your ears will thank you!




Remember to keep the volume of your device below 60% and do not to use them for more than 60 minutes in a row.




You are at home at the vacuum cleaner or the neighbour practising violin are distracting you? Instead of turning up the volume to not listen, wear noise-cancelling headphones.




A swim is just what you need after a day of studying! Wear swimming earplugs before you dive in, and avoid inflammation and the uncomfortable feeling of closed ears. 

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